Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Sunset and sunrise are fascinating.  It appears new everyday.  The changing colors of the sky and lighting at dawn and dusk, the activity in the nature at that time all are ever new. 
Whenever I watch sunset I remember a childhood incident.  I was at my uncle’s place for holidaying.  It was a village.  I, along with my siblings and cousins would go out to visit other friends and relatives in the village.  The age of all of us was in single digit only. We all would go out in the morning and evenings.  In the afternoon, after lunch we have to be at home as it would be hot in the afternoon. 
One day we all went out in the evening.  One of my cousins had a staff in his hand.  This staff has a small scythe tied at one end.  This is used to pull and cut tiny branches with leaves to feed goats or also pluck fruits high in the branches.  We went to the village lake.  There my cousins swam for sometime and later we all started back home.  The sun was on his journey to home and rest.  We kids liked the setting sun in beautiful orange red colors and the sky shining in golden hue.  The clouds were having golden linings.  The sun was round like a huge bright light red glowing ball.  In those meadows amidst scattered toddy palms the glowing sun looked very near and reachable to us.  My cousin said that he will pull the sun down with the staff he had.  We all Okayed and started straight towards the sun!  We ran and ran, until the sun disappeared.  With disappointment, we returned home. 

Whenever I see the sunset in the meadows appearing reachable, I always remember that incident and long to catch sun one day in my hands! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Blessed Life

Life is precious, invaluable.  As long as we are blessed with it we do not understand its value.  When we know how lucky we are to be born and alive we will use our life in a better way. 
I was just going through a topic ‘fetal wastage’.  I read it previously.  But my understanding was more of scientific approach to deal with it in clinical practice.  Now I have a different perspective.  In a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation occurs on 14th day.  Fertilization of this ovum can take place on 14th, 15th or 16th day.  After fertilization the resultant zygote will undergo certain changes and divides and redivides to form a ball of cells which will get implanted in the uterus by 20th to 21st day.  Once implanted further changes will take place and embryo develops and pregnancy specific hormone, HCG, is released.  The presence of this hormone can be detected in the blood by 27th day.  The powerful tests can also detect this hormone in urine as early as 2nd day of missed period.  The detection of this hormone 2-3 days prior to missed period to immediately a day after missed period is indication of pregnancy – biochemical pregnancy.  More than 80% of these biochemical pregnancies are simply eliminated by nature and are not recognized clinically.  In fact, more than 50% of the fertilized ova fail to implant in the uterus and 30% of the implanted ova fail to develop to the clinically recognizable stage.  A woman in her early stage of pregnancy may show a weakly positive pregnancy test but may have bleeding within a week.  If the test is not done it will be taken as delayed periods having normal or a little bit of excessive menstrual flow.  The rest 20% are clinically recognized pregnancies.  From this number another 20% are lost in the early period of pregnancy, between 9th and 12th week.  The demise of fetus as early as 8th week can be detected sonographically as blighted ovum or in later period recognized as missed abortion.  If the pregnancy continues well after 12th week and live by 16th week the loss of fetus is about 1%.  But, though the fetus is live and active it is estimated that 3-5% of fetuses will have gross congenital malformations which are incompatible with life.  The recognition of these fetuses through ultrasound sonography and terminating the pregnancy will result in further loss. 
Apart from this natural losses and elimination by selective process, there can be another 5% loss due to maternal disorders, pregnancy and delivery complications, and fetal anomalies.  Another factor to be considered is voluntary abortion, which is practiced legally or illegally worldwide.  A woman voluntarily or forcibly subjected to abortion, and the new life is eliminated in the early stage.  Now considering various factors, calculate the percent of lucky chance you had to live your life. 
Standing against the test of nature, facing various genetic, environmental hazards, being live and healthy is once a life time opportunity.  Once we understand the Nature’s blessings we respect our life, value it more and live to accomplish it.

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Elderly woman of average built and height, slightly bent, appearing to be from middle or lower middle financial status and widow entered my room.  As she entered took out my prescription and put it on table.  I asked her to sit and looked into my prescription. She is Lakshmamma, 57 years old and that prescription was given to her a year and half ago for abdominal pain, backache and body aches.  There weren’t any serious complaints or symptoms and signs noted then.  She sat in a chair in front of me.
“What is your problem now, Lakshmamma? I enquired. She put forth list of general complaints she has – body aches, occasional abdominal pain and general weakness. 
“For all this you could have consulted a family physician or general physician”, I said.
“Last year I came and your medicines kept well till now. That’s why I have come to you again.  Examine me and write some good medicines, amma.”
I examined her.  I found her anemic; there was no other obvious problem on clinical examination. 
“You are weak and anemic.  You need to take rest.” I told her.
“How can I take rest amma?  I have to work all the day”, there was agony in her tone.
“You have children.  Don’t they take care of you? I wanted to know.
“I live with my son.  He has a kirana shop.  All day I have to clean the grains and pack them” she said as a matter of fact.
“You can take rest an hour in the afternoon and sleep early in the night.  So that your back ache will be less”, I advised her, afternoon nap can really help the elderly woman and keep her active rest of the day.
“That rascal won’t allow me to rest in the afternoon, amma.  He takes care of the sales and I have to do all this”, a bit of anger in her tone.
“Why don’t you ask your daughter-in-law to help you?”  I wanted to know what her daughter-in-law does and how she treats her.
“Poor lady, she has to take care of domestic chores and look after three kids.  She is ever busy with her work”, she appeared sympathetic to her daughter-in-law.
“Don’t you have daughter?  Why don’t you stay there for few days?”  I was inquisitive.
“My daughter is kind”, a streak of happiness and smile in her face, “but my son doesn’t allow me to stay there, amma.  If I go to my daughter and stay for more than two days he will come to take me.  Says don’t you feel ashamed to stay at daughter’s house, and brings me back home”, helplessness in her voice.
“If you are sick you should tell him and stay at home”, I advised her.
“No amma.  His survival is on the kirana shop only.  If I am not there who will clean and pack.  He won’t engage any worker.” She seems to have understood her fate.
“OK.  Then I will write that you are sick.  I will write some blood tests.  You are saying you are having frequent abdominal pain, you are post menopausal, better get abdominal scan done.  Though clinically you are ok I don’t want to miss any thing”.
“Please don’t write any tests amma.  Just write some good medicines”. She told me.
 “Show this to your son.  He will get these tests done”. I insisted.
“Why amma.  Just write some good medicines. Last time you wrote, for more than a year I had no problem.  My son is a poor man.  He has to bring up three children.  If there is any problem, I will come to you again.  Write some good medicine for good health”.  She requested me.
 I wrote medicines, gave few samples I had and also handed the list of basic investigation required for her.  Bowing to me she walked out.  She left the requisition written for investigations on my table.

Sunday, July 7, 2013


We think that a newborn is innocent and it does not know anything and does not learn anything.  But the moment life is formed and the embryo develops into fetus, activity starts in the fetus.  Also the learning starts.  In conditions where nutrition is compromised, blood is diverted to brain optimally and the rest of the bodily growth is restricted.  This is the survival instinct of the fetus – nature.  
Every incident since birth will condition the mental development of the person.  The different behavioural patterns in a person can be traced to early childhood environment.   This is true for animals too.  An elephant tied by iron chains in its early day will never try to escape later in life even if tied with a simple rope.  This is because it is conditioned by the remembrance of its futile attempts to escape when tied with iron chains in early days. 
The effect of physical and mental trauma will change the character of person or animal forever.  This I felt when I saw Benny.  Benny is my brother-in-law’s (BIL) pet.  They have adopted it when it was two years old.  This beagle’s behaviour has saddened me, and for the few days I was with it, I tried to pamper it.  When I went to my BIL’s home for the first time, Benny was alone at home.  The moment Benny saw us, strangers, it looked so scared and tried to get into corner and be out of our direct vision.  I was surprised at its behaviour of avoiding human beings.  A day later when I questioned about this queer behaviour he told me that in its early days it was treated cruelly by the owners.  When they brought it home also, twice it tried to escape.  But they finally got it live with them in peace. 
It never looked straight into the face

Benny is never aggressive.  It is rather meek.  The moment its master comes it simply stands by the side.  Unless the master talks it doesn’t fall on him.  If he is doing his work it will simply sit beside him and wait for him to pamper.  If he is busy with his work it would walk and sit in its couch.  I stayed there for a week.   Whenever I was in the living room it would come to me and stand, I would touch it, stroke it and talk to it.  When I leave the living room to retire into my room it would follow me up to the room and then go down.  It never ate in front of us.  My BIL told he never saw it eating.  It would eat when no one is around. 
I really feel bad for Benny.  The dog which is taken for hunting has become so timid and is scared of human beings.  How cruel could have been his previous masters to change its basic nature.  Benny had made me to understand how anyone can become scarred for life because of cruelty.  Though we cannot shower love on all, we should at least not be cruel to anyone.  Physical or vocal cruelty in childhood can have everlasting impact on the mind and character. 

Childhood is the formative period of a person’s character.  Let us all try to be kind to all and children in particular.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


We always want to have things to happen in a particular way.  It may or may not happen as we wish.  But certain times it will happen as we want. That gives us faith in Almighty and prayers.
It was many years ago.  We are new in the locality.  There are quite a few houses around our home –cum - nursing home.  I have cordial relations with neighbours.  They sometimes disturb me at odd times.  If I can help I would, otherwise direct them what to do or where to go.  I never go for a family visit for medical care.  One day a gentleman, residing in the neighbourhood had come to me at about 11 AM.  He requested me to visit his uncle’s house which is also in my neighbourhood.  He said that his uncle’s mother seems to be dead and wanted me to asses the condition.  I couldn’t say no.  From his voice and expressions I could understand that the woman is dead and they just need confirmation by a doctor.  I went to his uncle’s house along with him.  His uncle, aunt and another woman were waiting for me without any expressions in their faces.  His aunt told me that, her “mother-in-law just had her break fast and lied on the table.  I wanted to talk to her but she did not respond and we moved her and thought she is lifeless”.  I saw a woman lying on wide long table that is used either to sit or sleep.  The woman was still, lying on her back, her mouth half open and eyes partially closed.  I took her hand and tried to feel the pulse and at the same time watching for her chest movements to know the respiration.  Pulse could not be felt.  I put two fingers near her nostrils to feel respiration.  It wasn’t there.  Then I auscultated for heart sounds without any positive result.  Finally checked eyes throwing torch light and see for pupils which are irreversibly fully dilated on death.  I told that there are no signs of life in her, death had occurred less than an hour ago, and I walked out.  To announce a death is sometimes part of my profession, but this is always depressing.
  After two months or so once again this same man had come to my home in the morning at about 9 AM.  At that time I was in my spiritual activity.  He again requested me to come to another relative’s house that is right in front of our house across the road.  There also I have to confirm death of an old lady in the family.  I was the only doctor around at that time and did not know how to refuse.  I only prayed God that the woman should be alive.  I was scared to become a death declaring doctor in the locality.  All the way to their home I was praying that the woman should be alive, let death be postponed till later in the evening, when my husband will be at home and declare it.  When I entered the house an old lady was lying on sleeping table.  One of the family members told me that the woman lying on table is her mother-in-law; she is suffering from cancer which affected her brain also.  For the past few minutes she is not responding to them and not taking respiration.  I tried to feel for the pulse.  As I was checking for pulse there was the woman gasped. I was glad to see that.  I could feel the pulse too, which is feeble.  The woman had taken another gasp.  And then I could see her heavy respiratory movements.  I told them she is alive and in coma, to take her to Medical college hospital for treatment.  They were all silent and I walked out happily.   Late in the afternoon my husband was called, and he had declared death. 

I don’t think that the woman was dead when they called me.  May be there was transient respiratory arrest from which she recovered spontaneously.  But this incident reinforced my faith in prayer and meditation.                                                     

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Incident - Coincident

Life is a continuous process.   Many incidents happen, people enter and walkout of our life.  Everything does not go as we plan.  But many times we get the results we want.  As long as we are clear in our conscience and work for better future, things turn out the way we desire.  I believe everything is in our thinking and doing it right.  Every moment is auspicious and every act done in good faith gives good results.
When my daughter was over two years I bought a slate and chalk and kept it in my room.  I had plans to start her ‘aksharaabhyaasam’ on auspicious day at a temple in our town.  Being professional women, I would leave my daughter in the care of my mother-in-law and other members in the joint family.  Then my husband’s youngest brother was about seventeen years and doing his intermediate.  He would stay at home and play with my daughter and take care of her along with mom.  He saw the slate and chalk piece in my room and enthusiastically started teaching my daughter ‘ABC’ one day.  When I came home he was making her write on the slate.  I was bit upset, but did not say anything.  I only thought that if that is destiny let it take its own path.  Later that year, In June 1988, I admitted my daughter into a school.  This was about 4 km from our residence.  She has to go by school bus.  My husband’s cousin was also studying in the same school in higher section.  She would take care of her, in the school bus while coming and going, and also in the lunch hour help to eat her meal.  She did take care of her all the three years, until she passed out her SSC and gone to different college.
Early days of schooling were painful to my daughter.  She would feel difficulty in waking up early when she had school and be awake early when it is a holiday for the school.  Later on slowly she started taking interest in her studies and did well in the class.  She later entered into engineering and had to be sent out to capital city for education.  There was lot of discussion to send a girl out to a city.  There were so many objections from different quarters.  My answers to all those finally helped her to land in city.  She utilized the opportunity provided to her and finally had chosen to do doctorate in USA.  Again, as usual, there were different views about sending her to far off place.  This time she herself decided to go ahead with her decision and I was there for support and encouragement.  The place she had chosen is where her uncle was staying.  With this we could rest in peace.
Her uncle who initiated ‘aksharaabhyaasam’ was there to attend her defense.  He was the proud family member to congratulate his little niece after her successful defense.  I told him that he deserved to stay there as he initiated literacy, and supported her in attaining highest degree.  I feel it is just destiny.  My husband’s little cousin, a software professional and mother of two was also living in the same city in USA.  I requested her to attend the graduation ceremony of my daughter and she readily obliged.  I was overwhelmed with happiness to be with these two persons, who had a role in her life, to be present at the time of graduation. 

Presenting his niece with pride

Everything happened is simply incidental or coincidental.  My faith in Almighty increased and I believe that destiny plans in a better way, and we should always do our duty.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Today is 24th April.  In Andhra Pradesh Schools, it is the last working day.  All government and private schools in Andhra Pradesh have 12 or 13th June as first working day and 24th April in the following year will be the last working day of that academic year.  All children may not attend the first day in the academic year, but the last day, for sure, will be attended by all – first to 9th standard children.  This day reminds me of my childhood days when I would go to school in the morning take the progress card and come home early. 
This 24th April wouldn't have been so special for me just for results.  This day always reminds me of a special incident in my childhood.  The kind gesture shown to me on that day by a stranger had everlasting impact on me.  I could understand this as I remember it even after 45 years.  Also, this had inculcated one character in me as to appreciate anyone who would come to me with their exam result.  Of course, anybody will be proud to share success.  
It was 24th April, 1967.  That day I got my third standard results.  Then we used to have the detention system.  Unless proper grades are obtained candidate is not promoted to the next class.  Now children are promoted even without proper learning into next standard until 7th class.  Again in 8th and 9th standards though exams are held they will not be detained. Then, every body had to get pass marks in all subjects to get promoted to the next standard.  I did my exams well and secured first rank in the class.  I was very happy to receive my progress report amidst claps from the entire class.  After that I had to go home walking, which I am used to.  The school was about a kilometer from my home.  There were about four main routes from the main road to reach my home.  That day I was happy, and as I was returning early from the school, I took a long route.  This will be walking mostly on the main road before turning into an alley.  On this road along a by lane corner, there was a ‘pan shop’.  As I was walking playfully and jumping on the road, the man in the pan shop called me and asked me to show my progress report.  I showed him.  He said, “Good” and gave me two ‘Ravalgon’ chocolates.  Those days they were the well known good chocolates available in any general stores or pan shops. I was overwhelmed with happiness and said, “thank you”.  And the man told me, “Go home soon”.  Eating those chocolates, I went home.
Even after more than four decades I remember this incident vividly.  I remember the man, his gesture with smile and happiness and his gift to me.  Any child coming to me and tells me about their success in exams, I try to give them something I have at that time and see their smile. 
One man’s simple kindness had made me understand the happiness one feels when their efforts are appreciated.  And I try to spread this happiness.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

God is Great

God is great
Grants every wish.

If you want to swim,
And fathom the sea
You will become fish.

If you want to rise
High into sky
You will become a bird.

If you want to dive deep into sea;
Rise into sky, very high
You will become a man with a mind.

If you want to become ‘God’
You should become one to none
Be part of Universal ‘One’.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


All the Shiva temples have ‘nandi’ (bull).  Nandi, vehicle of Shiva is seen in sitting posture in front of the sanctum sanctorum of Shiva temple.  Nandi is generally postured as if it is looking at Shiva all the time.  Recently when I visited a Shiva temple along with my husband we were just talking about this.  There was another couple who had come there.  The man took part in our conversation and explained the essence of this posture.  Nandi, devotee of Lord Shiva always worships Shiva, leaving the world behind.  That means a devotee of God should always leave the material things behind and meditate upon God for salvation. 
Why people put thumb and index finger on the horns of the bull and try to see Lord Shiva through the space?  Is it because the bull represents beastly strength and ignorance, is held down by horns, and look upon Lord for grant of true knowledge and peace?

Health is Wealth

Health is wealth. We all know it. But as long as we are healthy we never think of protecting that wealth. When we are about to lose it, then we think of taking all precautions.
‘Healthy mind in a healthy body’. So, the body to be healthy, good nutrition is essential. Under nutrition and over nutrition both are malnourishment.
As poor nutrition is the problem of poor people, over nutrition is the problem in less educated rich population.
Over nutrition leads to obesity and is the problem in developed countries and some class of people in developing countries.
Obesity or overweight is having more fat in the body and weight being more than ideal bodyweight.
Ideal body weight – Body Mass Index – weight (Kg)/Height in Sq.M eg; 60/(1.6x1.6)

Normal BMI = 18.50-24.99; 25-29.99 = increased weight; >30 obesity; with increasing BMI, moderate, severe and morbid obesity.
Ideal body weight – Broca index – Height(Cm)-100 ex. 160-100 = 60Kg. >5% overweight is obesity, double the ideal weight is morbid obesity.
Risks of obesity – hypertension, diabetes, gall bladder disease, coronary heart disease, certain types of cancers especially large bowel cancers. In females it leads to metabolic syndrome, lowered fertility, increased complications in pregnancy and increased risks to the fetus – baby.
To maintain ideal body weight proper diet and physical exercise are important.
As for nutrition is concerned, the daily requirement of nutrients with appropriate energy calories is taken.
An adult healthy man weighing 60 Kg, doing moderate work eight hours a day will need 2875 Kcal, and adult female weighing 50 Kg doing moderate work for eight hours a day will need 2225 Kcal. In women, additional requirement of 300-500 Kcal is required during pregnancy and lactation.
Major components of nutrients are
Carbohydrates – 1Gm = 4 Kcal - cereals, roots and tubors
Proteins - 1Gm = 4 Kcal - milk,eggs, meat, fish etc; pulses, cereals, nuts, beans
Fats -- 1Gm = 9 Kcal - animal fats ghee, milk, cheese, veg.oils –sesame,groundnut
Vitamins - from cereals, pulses, egg, meat etc; fruits and vegetables
Minerals. – milk and milk products, fruits and vegetables, non-veg foods, eggs.
A balanced diet should have 55%calories from carbohydrates, 25% from proteins and 20% from fats.
The daily requirement of proteins, body building units, is 1 gm/kg body weight. Extra 20 Gm allowance added during pregnancy and lactation. Pulses and non-veg foods give about 20 gm proteins per 100 gm consumption. Highest protein content is in soyabeans, which give about 43 gm.proteins/100 gm.
Cereals also give proteins, 5-7 gm/100 gms. Nuts and oil seeds will have more of fats and to some extent proteins. Fruits and vegetables give more of vitamins and minerals. Milk is the richest source of calcium. Cereals, pulses, non-veg, eggs and nuts and oils seeds will also have vitamins and minerals in variable quantities. Fruits and vegetables give less calories, 1 cal or less/gm. Banana, sitafal and sapota give almost    1 cal./gm. Dry fruits give almost 3-4 cal/gm.
Food items when taken in combination in appropriate quantity will give, apart from calories, all other nutrients – carb, proteins, fats, vit., minerals to keep body healthy.
Fast food and aerated drinks give only empty calories as they have only sugars that will give calories and no other nutrients. Even alcohol gives 7cal/gm. So these fast foods, cola drinks and alcohol can lead to obesity and nutritional imbalance and ill health.
All this is in short to know the value of food and to maintain good health by taking healthy diet.
Eat healthy. Be healthy.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

It's My Life

Dry and dormant
Destiny unknown
Embedded in earth
Nurtured by Nature
Stand gigantic today
And say,
“It’s my life”

‘It’s my life”
 Fruit said
Man eat the fruit
Threw the seed away.

“It’s my life”
Earth knew
Nurtured the seed
Groomed the plant
Protected the tree.

“It’s my life”
The tree said
Sheltered lives
Nestled the birds
Flowers blossomed
With fragrance and beauty
Pleasing Nature and Man.

Flowers matured
Grown into fruits
Ready to feed
Reared to spread.

Enjoyed the beauty of flowers
Sweetness of fruits
Threw the seeds away
And said,
“It’s my life”.

Monday, February 11, 2013



Love and learning
Failed to enlighten,
Arrogance and selfishness
Cause of hatred and violence.

Color and creed,
Region and religion
Root of quarrels
Routing Nature’s laws.

‘Unity in diversity’,
‘Divinity in all’;
Amoeba to alien
Life is divine.

Time is eternal,
Life is eternal 
Pauses visible, invisible
Realise, be peaceful.

Love thyself
Love thy neighbour,
Discriminate not
Being is in all.

Change of thought
Seeing self in other
Beginning of learning
For blissful living.