Monday, August 3, 2015

Red Gulmohar

As we travel towards Hyderabad from Warangal, from Ghanpur to Raghunathpally on either side of the road there are many Gulmohar trees.  The journey along this road between April and June is pleasant as these trees are in full bloom with bright red flowers arching the road.  Though it will be hot, the journey along this road becomes memorable experience travelling under these floral arches.

Gulmohar or Royal Poinciana mostly grows in the tropical regions.  It is cultivated for its beauty.  It is grown as ornamental tree for its wonderful appearance when in full bloom and also for shade.  In summer when the leaves fall and the tree blooms in its full with its bright red flowers,it appears like flame and hence the tree is also known as Flame tree, Flamboyant tree.  Rare variety of this species will have yellow flowers.  
The tree is the official tree of Vietnam and Common wealth of Northern Mariana Islands.  The flower is the national flower of Saint Kitts and Nevis.

In Kerala Gulmohar flower is known as Kaalvaripoo – flower of cavalry.  Saint Thomas Christians of Kerala believe that when Jesus was crucified there was a Royal Poinciana tree nearby his Cross.  It is believed that the blood of Jesus Christ was shed over the flowers of the tree and that is how the flowers got their sharp red color (Wikipedia).

In Bengal the red Gulmohar is called Krishnachura and the yellow variety which is rare is called Radhachura. 

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