Today is the 24th day of ‘sakala janula samme’. The response from the Andhra government is rather vindictive. The CM is overboard about his Andhra nativity by saying that SJS will affect Telangaana people and they are the losers. In troubling the farmers of telangaana who are dependent on electricity, he is making sure to cut off power supply and trying to instigate them against the leaders of JAC. He wants to exhibit his intellectual and political skills by suppressing the telangaana movement as happened in 1969. But he doesn’t realise that the situation is quite different now. Then the movement was restricted to the employees and students. It was only in certain pockets of the state. Lack of extensive communication as we have now has made the movement to recede for sometime. Now that people are being more literate and gaining knowledge through various communication media have understood the need for a separate state. Electronic media has made the movement reach every house and every corner of the villages. This is the reason the success of SJS. Despised for their culture and language by Andhraites and awareness of plundering of their natural resources and lack of development has made telangaanites resolve to get rid of Andhra rule.
SJS is affecting state and people of telangaana in particular. It is a pathetic situation that telangaanites following ‘Gandhian’ way of agitation are subjecting themselves to various methods of peaceful struggle and losing comforts of social and financial security, putting their children’s future in jeopardy and in desperate condition sometimes resorting to suicides. They are putting up with all this for respectable and better future for the future generation. Telangaana is afflicted with the cancer of Andhra rule. Lack of awareness in the early stages and selfishness of few rogue politicians has lead to the deep establishment of this pathology. The long standing disease is making it difficult to eradicate. Now the pain is so severe that for a better life and future not only surgery but even radiotherapy is essential. As the problem is severe, radio/chemotherapy is to be given before surgery. The side effects and complications are serious. But there is no other go than putting with it for a better life. People are struggling with hardship. But they are putting with it as they know that otherwise they have imminent death – don’t have future.
The governance at the state and national level had recognised the seriousness of the ailment of state of AP. But in the name discussions that are being seriously done since December 2009 are being prolonged infinitely hoping that one day Almighty will resolve the issue. Nature tolerates man’s indulgence to a great extent. Once Nature acts there could be a tsunami or a volcano and the result will devastating. I hope that central government will fulfil the justified democratic wish of people and take steps towards formation of telangaana.
I will tell how the intensity of the desire will be. A little girl of 4years was seen by her mother drinking tea left over in the cups and her mother scolded her and said kids should not drink tea. The child once tasted the left over tea leaves in the vessel. Seeing this mother told her that she should not do that and she can have tea occasionally from her 5th birthday onwards. In due course the birthday had come. In the morning both the mother and kid were busy of their routine activity. Birthday party was arranged with few friends and extended family members in the evening. Mother had arranged a good birthday cake and variety of dishes of child’s liking. Everything had gone out well. After everyone had left mother asked the child, “Dear, I think you are very happy and satisfied, aren’t you”. The child said, “Mom, you didn’t give me tea”. Mother thought that the kid might have forgotten about tea in the gala evening. But she didn’t. To keep faith of the child mother had made a cup of delicious tea for the child. The child after having the tea slept happily and peacefully.
Telangaana is a promise to be fulfilled as and when the people of telangaanites decide incompatibility with Andhra rulers. The promise is long pending. The time has come and people should cooperate in formation of Telangaana. This will reinforce faith in democracy, the fundamental desire of telangaanites in joining the Indian Union.