Life is incessant activity. The moment activity stops life ends. Activity may be seen or unseen. It has to go on. Single celled amoeba lives and relives by dividing and re-dividing and the eternal process of life goes on. Even a multicellular organism starts its individual entity as a single cell - egg. It develops into zygote and differentiates into multiple organs and tissues to attain the required entity of the organism in its full form. The activity in the organism goes on until it’s maturity and serves its purpose on the earth. Once the activity ceases or becomes incapable of carrying on the life’s processes the existence of life ceases.
Activity, overt or covert, is life. A fetus in the womb is also active and alive. The activity of life within life is Nature. The loud cry of the pushed out life from the womb indicates the activity of the new individual on this earth. The overt activity of the individual indicates its individual life on the earth. Though every organism in its separate entity is an individual, it has to co-exist in relation to its surroundings and environment. It has to grow getting adjusted to the environment. What it contributes to the Universe, time has to reveal. The life is revealed with its various activities.
Activity, overt or covert, is life. A fetus in the womb is also active and alive. The activity of life within life is Nature. The loud cry of the pushed out life from the womb indicates the activity of the new individual on this earth. The overt activity of the individual indicates its individual life on the earth. Though every organism in its separate entity is an individual, it has to co-exist in relation to its surroundings and environment. It has to grow getting adjusted to the environment. What it contributes to the Universe, time has to reveal. The life is revealed with its various activities.
Physical activity is obvious. Physical activity in relation to the surroundings has its own impact. Activity is also there without physical activity or external activity. That is activity in sleep. Sleep is an activity that is apparently silent, but internally stupendous phenomena are taking place to keep the body active in awake form. The tired body without any obvious activity gets rejuvenated for overt life processes. The neurohormonal and metabolic changes that take place cannot be replaced by any other known process or activity. Natural sleep is manna of physically active life. Good physical and mental activity will definitely result in a very good night’s sleep.
Awake or asleep life is activity.