Life is duality. We observe there are so many antagonist activities in our life. One day we like something the other day we dislike the same for some reason. Good and bad, right and wrong differs in course of time and place. Pain and pleasure varies on the cause of circumstances. When we delve into various aspects of life, many times the actions and reactions surprise us.
When a mother gives birth to a child she has to undergo some pain. The moment child is out of the womb the feeling of pain disappears and pleasure and satisfaction is seen on the face of mother. The child comes out of the womb and everybody is very eager to hear its cry. The louder the cry the greater the happiness that a new life has come on to this earth. The newborn whether cries in pain or pleasure; the lusty cry helps it fill its lungs with full of air and help it start individual journey on this earth. The cry of a newborn brings smile and happiness to the mother and everybody around her awaiting the new life.
Born on this earth the individual struggles for existence. Life goes on through many antagonistic moments and finally reaches its end. The body, which was abode of so many feelings and actions, lies stiff and unresponsive to the feelings of people around. It is said that “the person slept in the lord”. Or his soul which is above mortal feelings enjoys freedom in the Universe. In such condition, probably the person/soul should be happy. The people around infact should be happy for the dead man being relieved of problems of mundane living. But we see everyone feels quite sorrowful for the person is dead. They cry for the departed soul. At the same time they wish that the soul should rest in peace. When everybody around are crying how can anyone be at peace? Probably the soul may rest in peace, as it is untouched by earthly feelings. Peaceful soul rises into the sky happily to reach God’s abode leaving the loving near and dear ones in sorrow.
Life and death are two sides of the same coin. Both bring pain and pleasure along its occurrence. It’s the perception and understanding of situation which makes us move on in life.
With all its pains and pleasure everyone wants life to be continued eternally.